Journalism Task Meeting 9 : A matter of opinion: what an editorial does (Writing an editorial news/editorial cartoon)
1. Editorial news Opinion: Why Putin puts his neighbor Georgia on edge Editor’s note: Lincoln Mitchell ( @LincolnMitchell ) teaches in the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. His most recent book is "The Giants and Their City: Major League Baseball in San Francisco, 1976-1992." The opinions expressed here are his own. View more opinion at CNN. Tbilisi, Georgia (CNN) – Upon arriving in Tbilisi, Georgia's capital, for the first time since the pandemic began, I dropped my bag off at my Airbnb, strolled out and noticed the words "F**k Putin" graffitied in English on my building. A few meters away, a similar sentiment was scrawled in Russian and not far from that, my friend pointed to the same phrase painted on the wall in Georgia's distinctive alphabet. This is a country where anti-Russia sentiment runs very strong...