My Language Learning Logs 3


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News Story Structure: News writing rubric

Saturday, 19th March 2022




Synonim : Upturn, Upend, Turn Around, Turn Inside Out, Turn Back To Front, Reverse, Flip (Over), etc.


Meaning in Indonesia : Terbalik.

The inverted pyramid is the primary form of news writing which places the information in the story in the order of decreasing importance.

News Story Structure: News writing rubric

Saturday, 19th March 2022




Synonim : Following, Ensuing, Succeeding, Successive, Later, etc.


Meaning in Indonesia : Setelah


The details for those who want more information are included in subsequent paragraphs.

News Story Structure: News writing rubric

Saturday, 19th March 2022




Synonim : Briefly,ShortShortlyConciselyClose, etc.


Meaning in Indonesia :

Secara singkat.

News paragraphs are written concisely to convey information quickly.

News Story Structure: News writing rubric

Saturday, 19th March 2022




Synonim : Citation, ExcerptExtract, Tag



Meaning in Indonesia :


Any opinion should be attributed to a source, usually in a direct quotation.

News Story Structure: News writing rubric

Saturday, 19th March 2022




Synonim :

CombineIncorporatMergeIntegrateConsolidate, Concatenate, ect.


Meaning in Indonesia : Menggabungkan.

One method for incorporating quotes into a news story is to alternate factual statements or indirect quotes (transitions) and direct quotes.



My Learning Strategies  

Firstly, I seek the materials related the topic. Secondly I read the material slowly and trying to understand them, then write down the important point on my notebook. Finally, I understand the material because reread important notes that I have.


 According to Clark, R . (2017), news structure and rubric can be defined as some type, it is Inverted pyramid, direct quotations, indirect quotations, transitions, news brief . The inverted pyramid is the primary form of news writing which places the information in the story in the order of decreasing importance. All quotes that we used in our news must be attributed to a source, whoever said the quote. The source should be identified by first and last names and some sort of identification if it is the first time he or she is mentioned. The source can be identified by the last name only after the first mention.



     Journalism is the activity of find, report, and distribute some factual news both through print media such as newspapers and magazines as well as online media such as email and websites. For me, the most useful experience was the process of seeking information about journalism. I have developed my understanding about journalism, especially about it’s structure and rubric in news. Having discussed about the structure and rubric of news, I now realize that there are various structure and rubric for just one news. This knowledge is essential to me in the workplace because in this science we are not only trained to write factual news but also how we can make readers interested in the news we write. Because basically a teacher is not only required to teach and educate but also from time to time is required to make reports. Because I have not yet confident with my grammar I will now need to learn more about it. Previously, I did not notice about my interest to this subject but now i find that it’s fun enough to learn about journalism especially in the structure and rubric of a news . Alternatively, this might be related to my old dream that i have dreamed to being an anchor. This is similar to an old friend who greeted me again after a long time because because I'm finally interested in this field again. Like a wish that finally came true this reveals my stress from doing something I love.

     Having read the article about journalism, I now realize that this subject is very interesting. Most importantly, I have learned that this subject made me learn a lot about new things. I have significantly developed my skills in writing and ability to analyze some article. However, I have not sufficiently improved my ability to make good and true news because it is still in the early stages of learning.This means that i have to learn and practice more. This skill will be essential to me as a learner because in the future, maybe i will be a journalist instead of teacher. Because I did not to good at grammar I will now need to learn about it. As a next step, I need to find more information and doing more exercise to improve my writing skill. 
