Analyzing a Movie Review


Directions: Using a movie review from your community newspaper or from an online newspaper, use the following form to analyze the review. Attach the review to your form before turning it in to your instructor.

KKN di Desa Penari

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Internet :

Shafa Millah Ahmad

Blady Fasya

Latifah Aulia Ristiyanti

Windy Apriliani


We love this film because of the horror and sadness of the characters in the film.  Especially the mystical Indonesian-style atmosphere which is very gripping, making the audience enter into the story of this film.

We recommend this film because this film is very close to the mystical things of Indonesian society.  Very curious because the story of this film is already known by many readers through a Twitter account called SimpleMan.

The positive things of this film is that it gives the impression of a real atmosphere and can make the audience feel they are in the village and imagine the disdain of the atmosphere at that time. The drawback of this film is the lack of horror in the film compared to other horror genre films. Even so, the message contained in the KKN film Di Desa Penari has been conveyed well to the audience, namely when we are anywhere, ethics and manners are things that must be considered carefully, like the saying goes where the earth is stepped on, there is the sky.  Upheld.

In the scene, Ayu’s soul has become a Dawuh (a title for a dancer in the Dancer Village) and dances while crying who will continue to dance around the village as a substitute for Badarawuhi.  This made us, the reviewers very impressed also felt the horror and sad atmosphere when watching it, considering that the KKN Di Desa Penari film was based on a true story.            We reviewers object to the portrayal of Ayu, played by Adinda Thomas in this film. The film version of Ayu is described as a woman who invites insults and cynicism from the villagers for her minimal clothes. It’s not just the stigma of judging women for clothes that is a problem, the idea of female university students wearing satin tank tops and mini pants to sleep at night in a hut in the middle of a forest at the foot of the mountain is beyond logic.

In the scene, Ayu’s soul has become a Dawuh (a title for a dancer in the Dancer Village) and dances while crying who will continue to dance around the village as a substitute for Badarawuhi.  This made us, the reviewers very impressed also felt the horror and sad atmosphere when watching it, considering that the KKN Di Desa Penari film was based on a true story.            We reviewers object to the portrayal of Ayu, played by Adinda Thomas in this film. The film version of Ayu is described as a woman who invites insults and cynicism from the villagers for her minimal clothes. It’s not just the stigma of judging women for clothes that is a problem, the idea of female university students wearing satin tank tops and mini pants to sleep at night in a hut in the middle of a forest at the foot of the mountain is beyond logic.

We give this film a rating of 7/10.  It’s a bit lacking, because the horror in the film didn’t meet our expectations as audiences.  Not as scary as in the original story, especially for the ghost of Badarawuhi, played by Aulia Sarah.  It turns out that this ghost figure is beautiful and strangely not as a ghost should be.  However, it is still good because this story raises the mystical atmosphere of Indonesia and raises the message and impression of visiting Indonesia for foreigners.


Name of movie: KKN di Desa Penari

Directed by: Awi Suryadi

Genre horror

Main characters:

1. Tissa Biani

2. Adinda Thomas

3. Achmad Megantara

4. Aghniny Haque

5. Calvin Jeremy

6. Fajar Nugraha

Played by:

1. Tissa Biani as Nur

2. Adinda Thomas as Widya

3. Achmad Megantara as Bima

4. Aghniny Haque as Ayu

5. Calvin Jeremy as Anton

6. M. Fajar Nugraha as Wahyu

7. Kiki Narendra as Pak Prabu

8. Aulia Sarah as Badarawuhi

9. Aty Cancer as Bu Sundari

10. Diding “Boneng” Zeta as Mbah Buyut

11. Dewi Sri as Mbak Dok

12. Andri Mashadi as Ilham

Describe the setting (time

and place):

The setting of Place was in the City of B (the name of the place is kept secret because the film is based on a true story).

The setting of time was in 2009.

Briefly summarize the plot: Nur (Tissa Biani), Widya (Adinda Thomas), Ayu (Aghniny Haque), Bima (Achmad Megantara), Anton (Calvin Jeremy), and Wahyu (Fajar Nugraha) carry out KKN (Community Service Program) in a remote village. However, they did not expect that the village they had chosen was not an ordinary village. Pak Prabu (Kiki Narendra), the village head has warned them not to cross the forbidden gate. A few days in the village, they began to feel strange. Bima experienced a change in attitude and their KKN program ended up falling apart.


They also get the terror of a mysterious scary dancer. They asked Mbah Buyut, a local shaman for help. Unfortunately, they are in danger of not being able to return home safely from the village known as the dancer village.



Rate the following: (5 is best,

1 is worst)

Special effects:




Rate the following:

Costume design:




Rate the following:

Quality of acting:


Quality of sound:


Scenes I liked best in the


The best scene and the scene that we like the most in the film KKN di Desa Penari is when Ayu dances while crying in another world because she has officially become the new Dawuh replacing Badarawuhi.

Scenes that I did not like:

The scene that we don't like in the KKN film is when Widya and Wahyu are on their way home from the market and their motorbike breaks down and they are forced to attend a celebration while waiting for their motorbike to be repaired. When they wanted to return home, Wahyu had time to wrap the food from the celebration. Arriving at home, it turns out that the food that was wrapped by Wahyu turned into a monkey's head

Outstanding individual


We like Nur and Widya's acting because their acting looks very natural like they are not acting in a movie. We also like the Badaruwuhi costume and the visual effect of Mbah Dok, namely the ghost that guards Nur.

Performances that were not

so good:

Because this film is based on a true story that has been presented in the @simpleman twitter account thread, we think this KKN di Desa Penari film is in accordance with the storyline in the twitter thread. So there is nothing that is not good in this film.

What was believable about the


What can be trusted from the film is that we believe that if we do not maintain our attitude in a place that is foreign to us, then there will definitely be disaster that will come in return.

What was not believable?

What we find hard to believe is when Widya is trapped in another world surrounded by spirits and watching Nur who has become a dawuh dancing while crying.

Would you recommend that

your readers see this movie?

Why or why not?

Film ini sangat kami rekomendasikan untuk ditonton karena walaupun film ini bergenre horor, namun banyak mengandung pelajaran dan nilai yang berharga.
